For all hire ,vehicle and booking enquiries , please contact us by filling out the email form below or by the following details:
Head office Address
Island Car & Bike Hire
Main Road
Rarotonga, Cook Islands
Arorangi: (+682) 22 632
Avarura: (+682) 24 632
Muri Beach: (+682) 21 632
Connect with us

Three Convenient Locations
Island Car & Bike Hire is located in three conventient locations on Rarotonga:
- In Arorangi situated on the west side of the Island, 4.5 km from the Rarotongan Beach Resort, 1km from the Edgewater Resort and near to most of the main motels.
- In the main town Avarua Downtown opposite the Punanga Nui Market and next to the Bond Liquor Store.
- At Muri Beach opposite the Muri Beachcomber Resort.